NEW DATE: April 9 & 10, 2025 - National Arts Centre in Ottawa, ON and Live Webinar
Mutual respect, maintaining relationships and an honourable approach to sharing resources are the basics for any successful ongoing partnership.
At this conference we will look at Treaties between Indigenous people and the Crown as sharing relationships, and consider the role of the Honour of the Crown in honouring those relationships.
This two day program will explore the issues around the recent Restoule decision from the Supreme Court of Canada.
How do we interpret and implement the Honour of the Crown in Canada? What does it really mean?
What are the obligations on the Crown to understand and respect the Indigenous perspective on Treaties?
How should Indigenous laws be applied in the negotiation and implementation of treaties?
What does diligent implementation mean in the treaty context? What are the guiding principles?
What do mutually beneficial and respectful sharing relationships look like in the Treaty context?
How has the duty to implement treaties in an honourable way been enforced?
What is Canada's record in honouring treaties?
What is the role of the courts and what are the remedies when one of the parties fails to honour the relationship?
We will look at historic treaties as well as the modern treaties that are being negotiated and implemented at the present time. We will hear about the recent Haida Nation and British Columbia Model - a new way of negotiating Aboriginal Title in Canada.
Come and learn.
Join us as we both consider lessons from the past and forge a new way forward.