Managing Risk in Tax Planning 2020
Table of Papers
Tab 1
PowerPoint Presentation: Case Law Update
Michelle Moriartey, Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, Vancouver, BC
29 Slides
Tab 2
PowerPoint Presentation: TOSI Update and Impact on Estate Freezes
Mike Coburn, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Vancouver, BC
36 Slides
Tab 3
PowerPoint Presentation: TOSI Compliance Planning Part 2: Planning for the End
Asif N. Abdulla, Thorsteinssons LLP, Vancouver, BC
28 Slides
Tab 4
PowerPoint Presentation: Managing Risk in Pipeline Planning
David J. Christian, Thorsteinssons LLP, Vancouver, BC
27 Slides
Managing Risk in Pipeline Planning
David J. Christian, Thorsteinssons LLP, Vancouver, BC
29 Pages
Tab 5
PowerPoint Presentation: The G.A.A.R.
Bill S. Maclagan, Q.C., Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Vancouver, BC
20 Slides
Tab 6
PowerPoint Presentation: Real Property and Commodity Tax Anti-Avoidance
Terry G. Barnett, Thorsteinssons LLP, Toronto, ON
27 Slides